Skip to content mini conf 2022

Hello and welcome back,

I'm really happy to announce the 2022 MiniConf 13. October this year!

You have to register here to get the conference link!

The schedule:

7:00 am Pacific Time / 4:00 pm CEST
The latest and greatest from OPTIGA™️ TPM, SLB9672 and SLB9673, Andreas Fuchs and Paul Kissinger from Infineon Technologies
7:30 am Pacific Time / 4:30 pm CEST
Disk integrity using microkernels and TPM, Sid Hussmann, CTO of Gapfruit, and Stefan Thöni
8:30 am Pacific Time / 5:30 pm CEST
Remote enrollment using sealed keys for Remote Attestation Ernesto Gomez Marin, Researcher at Infineon
9:30 am Pacific Time / 6:30 pm CEST
Remote Attestation of the UEFI Event log using Keylime, Thore Sommer, maintainer of Keylime
10:30 am Pacific Time / 7:30 pm CEST
Maintaining anchors of trust, Michael Richardson known from his RATS work at IETF and other workgroups
11:30 am Pacific Time / 8:30 pm CEST
How OpenSecurityTraining2 will help spread TPM and Trusted Computing awareness, Xeno Kovah, Founder of Open Security Training

I'll be there and you?

Bye for now!

Categories: TPM


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