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Hello TPM friends,

after more than 18 months of work, compiling, testing, tears, blood...

(On the RPi repository)
Now you find the dto in the newest raspbian image, per default.

To activate the TPM on your Raspberry Pi you need only these simple commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo nano /boot/config.txt

// and activate SPI with uncomment

// and load the TPM device tree overlay with

// save the config.txt

sudo reboot

// after the reboot

ls /dev/tpm0

// if you own a LetsTrust-TPM and plug it in the right way, you will get /dev/tpm0 in yellow letters

Thanks to all supportes :-)

Bye for now!



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Richard Zhai on :

This is great work!

One more issue. I am trying ELTT2 but seems have issue
pi@raspberrypi:~/eltt2 $ sudo ./eltt2 -u

Error opening the device.
Unexpected error: 0x00000010

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