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New Project! PoC: Zepher TPM2 Software Stack

Hello and welcome,

I've got a link from a good friend of mine, and I want to share this with you:

Proof of Concept: Zepher TPM2 Software Stack

This repo tests the requirements (Code size and Memory size) for running tpm2-tss on Zephyr. The PoC is implemented on top of the Enhanced System API (ESAPI), since the Feature API (FAPI) adds additional dependencies to JSON-C and OpenSSL. Moreover, the tpm2-tools are also implemented on top of ESAPI, therefore the ESAPI should be sufficient.

And I'm really proud to see the first public-project that used the "new" Arduino2LetsTrust-Header. (I'll introduce the ArduinoAdapter in the next few days).

Bye for now!

Kategorien: TPM


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