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Move LetsTrust-TPMs to CS0


The last time i get some questions about the chipselect configs for the module.

How you could move the default config from the LT-TPM CS1 to CS0.

If you want to use the TPM with CS0 you must change (resolder) the position of the 0Ohm Resistor to the open pads.

You'll see the difference if you open both pdfs:

If you don’t want to compile your device-tree-overlay by yourself, copy the tpm-slb9670-cs0.dtbo [1] to /boot/overlays/ and load the dtbo in the /boot/config.txt
over the setting dtoverlay=tpm-slb9670-cs0

If you want to decompile change and recompile the devicetree for the slb9670 for yourself:

1) sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
2) dtc -I dtb -O dts -o /mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670.dts /mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670.dtbo
3) cp mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670.dts /mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670-cs0.dts
4) dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670-cs0.dtbo /mnt/boot/overlays/tpm-slb9670-cs0.dts

Bye for now!



PS: this will only work on the Raspberry Pis 0-4
Kategorien: TPM


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