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I'm alive! And LetsTrust, too!

Hello Again,

Puhh... over one year no updates on this site... I'm not sooooo Happy about that, but I'm alive!

What has happened in the last 13 months?!

I quit my main job in February 2022 and this brings some new opportunities to my family and myself and the TPM community.
Why is this important for the TPM community? You'll see this in the near future :-P
Official i was four times vaccinated (with: Biontec, Biontec, Moderna, Biontec)
And after that, I got covid and recovered from that shit… I don't want to figure out where I was without the vaccinations.

For LetsTrust:
I could announce that more shops listed the LT-TPM!
With Max, the owner of and his shop we could manage that five additional shops listed LetsTrust-TPMs. (I'll add some Links in the step list).
So if your SAP/Salesforce/ect. integration don't support, you could use one of this links:

And now?
New Chips, other interfaces, completely new ideas around TPMs (Thanks to the community for these ideas!)

A second website will be come up to collect all other hardware projects, beside of LetsTrust.
(hopefully... I love Hardware too much... so.. I should love my domains and websites a little more ...).

With this new site, some other designs from me get a platform/blog. Not all of my designs are security related so is the wrong Place for this. Some of these designs you are able to buy, and some are on my desk and ready to test.

So, now you are up2date,

Bye for now!



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